Marek's disease virus Plaques
Detection of Marek's disease virus Plaques after staining with specific anti-MDV antibodies and Alexa 488 labelled secondary antibodies

"Marek's disease is a highly contagious viral neoplastic disease in chickens. The disease is characterized by the presence of T cell lymphoma as well as infiltration of nerves and organs by lymphocytes. Viruses related to MDV appear to be benign and can be used as vaccine strains to prevent Marek's disease."

World's first 100 % scalable Elispot/Plaque Reader that may be upgraded on-site to a Single Cell/PBMC counter.

BIOREADER® 7000 -F-z-i
Versatile, Inverted high resolution Zoom Fluoro/VIS reader, micro + macro mode with innovative power LED fluoro excitation
Detection of Marek's disease virus Plaques after staining with specific anti-MDV antibodies and Alexa 568 labelled secondary antibodies

"Marek's disease is a highly contagious viral neoplastic disease in chickens. The disease is characterized by the presence of T cell lymphoma as well as infiltration of nerves and organs by lymphocytes. Viruses related to MDV appear to be benign and can be used as vaccine strains to prevent Marek's disease."

World's first 100 % scalable Elispot/Plaque Reader that may be upgraded on-site to a Single Cell/PBMC counter.

BIOREADER® 7000 -F-z-i
Versatile, Inverted high resolution Zoom Fluoro/VIS reader, micro + macro mode with innovative power LED fluoro excitation